More about Venus

More about Venus

Let us explore the surface a bit more today and explore the stories behind the names. Yesterday we spoke about Heng O legend and also Badb lines.



Fossa [1]  is a long nature depression on the extra-terrestrial object

Dorsa - A wrinkled ridge

Planitia – A low plain


Namjyalma Fossae

Namjyalma [2] is a Tibetan victorious mother.  She is typically as while in colour with three faces and eight arms. The symbolism of the while colour is the elimination of disasters.

Unuk Dorsa

The name has its origin in the Eskimo (Chukotka) night maiden.

Dewi Ratih Chasma

Dewi Ratih [3] is a Hindu lunar goddess worshipped in Java and Bali. She is well known for her beauty and grace, thus she was also known as the Goddess of Beauty.  Her myth is linked to lunar cycles. In the myth, after rejected by Dewi, the giant Kala Rau planed to attack Vishnoloka( dwelling of Vishnu). After Dewi informed Vishnu that the leading rakshasa was Kala, he beheaded him but only after he had consumed a drink of immortality.  Kala survived as a floating head. When the moon comes out, Kala would chase and consume Dewi, however has Kala has no body then she would emerge from his neck.

Atargatis Corona

Atargatis [5] is a Goddess of Syrian origin whose worship spread to Greece and Rome (and further). 
She is a Great Mother and Fertility Goddess of the Earth and Water, considered the main Goddess worshipped in Syria.

Tomorrow we will leave Venus and Visit Mercury




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